Demystifying Percent Encoding: A Comprehensive Guide for Swift Developers on iOS
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Demystifying Percent Encoding: A Comprehensive Guide for Swift Developers on iOS

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As an iOS developer using Swift, you’ve likely encountered the pesky issue of percent encoding rearing its head after executing a deeplink. It’s frustrating, to say the least. But fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to embark on a journey to understand and overcome this obstacle once and for all.

What is Percent Encoding, Anyway?

Percent encoding, also known as URL encoding, is a mechanism used to encode special characters in URLs. It replaces these characters with a percentage sign (%) followed by a two-digit hexadecimal code. For example, a space character would be encoded as %20. This encoding is necessary to ensure that URLs can be transmitted correctly over the internet.

Why Does Percent Encoding Matter in Deeplinking?

When a deeplink is executed, the system may attempt to encode certain characters in the URL, leading to unwanted percent encoding. This can result in issues with the deeplink, such as:

  • Invalid URLs
  • Failed redirects
  • Broken functionality

In Swift, percent encoding can be particularly problematic due to the language’s handling of URLs. But don’t worry, we’ll get to the solution soon!

Understanding the Problem: A Swift Example

let url = URL(string: " with spaces")!
let deeplink = "myapp://deeplink/\(url.absoluteString)"
// Output: myapp://deeplink/

In the above example, the URL string contains a space character, which is encoded as %20 when creating the deeplink. This can lead to issues when the deeplink is executed.

Solving the Problem: Removing Percent Encoding in Swift

To remove percent encoding from your deeplink, you can use the removingPercentEncoding() method provided by Swift’s String class:

let url = URL(string: " with spaces")!
let deeplink = "myapp://deeplink/\(url.absoluteString.replacingOccurrences(of: "%", with: ""))"
// Output: myapp://deeplink/ with spaces

By removing the percent encoding, we ensure that the deeplink is executed correctly, without any unwanted encoding.

But wait, there’s more! When working with deeplinks, you may encounter special characters that need to be handled differently. For instance, the # character is used to specify a fragment in a URL, but it can also be used as a delimiter in a deeplink.

Character Description Handled By
# Fragment delimiter Swift’s URLComponents
% Percent encoding Swift’s String class
& Ampersand (used in query strings) Swift’s URLQueryItem

In the table above, we’ve highlighted three special characters that require attention when working with deeplinks in Swift. By using the corresponding Swift classes and methods, you can ensure that these characters are handled correctly.

Best Practices for Deeplinking with Swift

To avoid percent encoding issues and ensure seamless deeplinking in your Swift app, follow these best practices:

  1. Use URLComponents to construct and parse URLs.
  2. Remove percent encoding from deeplinks using removingPercentEncoding().
  3. Handle special characters (e.g., #, %, &) according to their specific use cases.
  4. Test your deeplinks thoroughly to ensure they’re executed correctly.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be well on your way to creating robust and reliable deeplinking experiences for your iOS users.


Percent encoding doesn’t have to be a source of frustration in your Swift app. By understanding the mechanics of percent encoding and applying the solutions outlined in this article, you can ensure that your deeplinks are executed correctly and provide a seamless experience for your users.

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Use your newfound knowledge to create amazing deeplinking experiences and take your Swift app to the next level!

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Ever wondered why percent encoding lingers after executing a deeplink in your iOS app using Swift? Let’s dive into the solutions!

Why does percent encoding show up in my deeplink URL?

Percent encoding appears when certain characters in your URL are replaced with a `%` symbol and a corresponding hexadecimal value. This is a standard URL encoding mechanism to ensure URLs can be transmitted reliably over the internet. However, in your case, you want to get rid of it after the deeplink is executed!

How can I decode percent-encoded URLs in Swift?

You can use the `removingPercentEncoding` method in Swift to decode percent-encoded URLs. For example, `let decodedURL = url.absoluteString.removingPercentEncoding!`. This will replace the encoded characters with their original values.

What’s the difference between URL encoding and percent encoding?

URL encoding and percent encoding are often used interchangeably, but URL encoding is a broader term that refers to the process of converting URLs into a format that can be safely transmitted over the internet. Percent encoding is a specific type of URL encoding that uses the `%` symbol and hexadecimal values to represent special characters.

Why should I decode percent-encoded URLs in my iOS app?

Decoding percent-encoded URLs can improve the user experience in your app. For instance, if you’re displaying URLs to the user, decoding them can make them more readable and easier to understand. Additionally, decoding URLs can also help with URL parsing and manipulation in your app.

Can I decode percent-encoded URLs using a third-party library in Swift?

While it’s possible to use a third-party library to decode percent-encoded URLs, it’s not necessary. Swift provides built-in methods for URL encoding and decoding, such as `removingPercentEncoding` and `addingPercentEncoding`. These methods are efficient and easy to use, so there’s no need to add extra dependencies to your project.

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