Mastering the Art of Positioning: A Guide to Floating Toolbars in Lexical Editors
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Mastering the Art of Positioning: A Guide to Floating Toolbars in Lexical Editors

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As a developer, you know how crucial it is to provide an exceptional user experience in your lexical editor. One of the most critical aspects of achieving this is positioning a floating toolbar when a selection spans across multiple lines. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of lexical editors and explore the ins and outs of getting your floating toolbar to behave as expected.

Understanding the Challenge

When a user selects text that spans across multiple lines, the floating toolbar should reposition itself to remain visible and accessible. However, achieving this can be a daunting task, especially for those new to lexical editors. The main challenge lies in determining the correct position of the toolbar based on the selection’s coordinates.

The Importance of Precise Positioning

A poorly positioned floating toolbar can lead to a frustrating user experience, causing users to lose focus and struggle to interact with the editor. On the other hand, a well-positioned toolbar can significantly enhance the overall usability of your lexical editor. It’s essential to get it right!

Calculating the Toolbar’s Position

To determine the correct position of the floating toolbar, you’ll need to calculate the bounding rectangle of the selection. This can be achieved using the following steps:

  1. Get the selection object: Use your lexical editor’s API to obtain the current selection object, which typically contains the start and end coordinates of the selection.
  2. Calculate the bounding rectangle: Use the selection object’s coordinates to calculate the bounding rectangle, taking into account the line heights and character widths.
  3. Determine the toolbar's position: Based on the bounding rectangle, calculate the x and y coordinates where the toolbar should be positioned.
// Example code snippet in JavaScript
const selection = editor.getSelection();
const boundingRect = calcBoundingRect(selection);
const toolbarX = boundingRect.left + (boundingRect.width / 2);
const toolbarY = + (boundingRect.height / 2);

Handling Edge Cases

When dealing with selections that span across multiple lines, you’ll encounter edge cases that require special attention. Be prepared to handle the following scenarios:

  • Selection at the beginning or end of a line: Ensure the toolbar doesn’t overlap with the line numbers or gutter areas.
  • Selection across multiple blocks or paragraphs: Take into account the block or paragraph spacing and adjust the toolbar’s position accordingly.
  • Selection that wraps around to the next line: Handle cases where the selection starts at the end of a line and continues on the next line.

Implementing the Solution

Now that you’ve calculated the toolbar’s position, it’s time to implement the solution. You’ll need to:

  1. Create a container element for the toolbar: Use an HTML element (e.g., a div) to wrap the toolbar and position it absolutely.
  2. : Apply styles to the toolbar container to set its position, display, and z-index.
  3. Update the toolbar's position on selection change: Use event listeners to track changes to the selection and recalculate the toolbar's position accordingly.
// Example HTML structure
<div id="toolbar-container" style="position: absolute; display: block; z-index: 1;">
  <!-- Your toolbar content here -->

// Example JavaScript code
const toolbarContainer = document.getElementById("toolbar-container");
editor.onSelectionChange(() => {
  const selection = editor.getSelection();
  const boundingRect = calcBoundingRect(selection);
  const toolbarX = boundingRect.left + (boundingRect.width / 2);
  const toolbarY = + (boundingRect.height / 2); = `${toolbarX}px`; = `${toolbarY}px`;

Best Practices and Optimization

To ensure a seamless user experience, keep the following best practices and optimization techniques in mind:

Best Practice Description
Use a debouncing mechanism Debounce the toolbar's position updates to prevent excessive recalculations and improve performance.
Optimize calculation logic Simplify and optimize the calculation logic to reduce computational overhead.
Consider using a virtual DOM Implement a virtual DOM to improve rendering performance and reduce the number of DOM mutations.
Test thoroughly Test your implementation extensively to ensure it works as expected across different browsers and scenarios.


Positioning a floating toolbar when a selection spans across multiple lines requires attention to detail, careful calculation, and consideration of edge cases. By following this comprehensive guide, you'll be well on your way to creating a seamless and intuitive user experience in your lexical editor. Remember to optimize your implementation and test thoroughly to ensure a polished final product.

With the knowledge and techniques presented in this article, you'll be able to master the art of positioning and provide your users with an exceptional editing experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get clarity on positioning a floating toolbar when a selection spans across multiple lines in a lexical editor.

How do I determine the ideal position for the floating toolbar when the selection spans multiple lines?

To determine the ideal position, calculate the midpoint of the selection range. If the midpoint falls within the vertical bounds of the editor, position the toolbar at that point. If not, consider the top or bottom of the editor window as alternative positions.

What happens if the selection spans across multiple lines, but the lines are of varying heights?

In this case, calculate the average line height of the selected lines and use that value to determine the midpoint of the selection range. This ensures the toolbar is positioned relatively close to the center of the selection, even if the lines have varying heights.

How do I handle cases where the selection spans multiple lines, but the toolbar is too large to fit within the editor window?

In such cases, consider rendering the toolbar in a partial or compact mode, or splitting it into multiple smaller toolbars that can be positioned near the selection. This ensures the toolbar remains accessible and functional, even when it can't fit in its entirety.

What if the selection is too small to justify displaying a floating toolbar?

Define a minimum selection size threshold below which the toolbar is not displayed. This prevents clutter and ensures the toolbar is only shown when it's truly useful to the user.

Can I customize the behavior of the floating toolbar based on user preferences?

Yes, provide options in the editor settings that allow users to customize the toolbar's behavior, such as choosing the positioning strategy, toolbar size, or even disabling it altogether. This caters to different user workflows and preferences.

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