From Triggers to Storing data into users PropertiesService: A Comprehensive Guide
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From Triggers to Storing data into users PropertiesService: A Comprehensive Guide

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Welcome to this comprehensive guide on how to store data into users PropertiesService using Google Apps Script (GAS). In this article, we will take you on a step-by-step journey from creating triggers to storing data into users PropertiesService. By the end of this guide, you will have a solid understanding of how to automate data storage and retrieval using GAS.

Table of Contents

What is PropertiesService?

PropertiesService is a service provided by Google Apps Script that allows you to store and retrieve data associated with a specific user, script, or document. It is a key-value store that enables you to save and retrieve data in a persisted manner, even after the script execution is completed. PropertiesService is useful for storing user preferences, caching data, and storing configuration settings.

Why Use PropertiesService?

There are several reasons why you should use PropertiesService in your Google Apps Script projects:

  • Persisted Data Storage**: PropertiesService allows you to store data associated with a specific user, script, or document, which persists even after the script execution is completed.
  • User-Specific Data Storage**: You can store user-specific data, such as user preferences, using PropertiesService.
  • Script-Wide Data Storage**: PropertiesService enables you to store data that can be accessed across multiple script executions.
  • Document-Specific Data Storage**: You can store data specific to a document, such as document settings, using PropertiesService.

Creating Triggers

Before we dive into storing data into users PropertiesService, let’s talk about creating triggers. Triggers are functions that execute automatically when a specific event occurs, such as when a user opens a document or when a form is submitted.

Types of Triggers

There are two types of triggers in Google Apps Script:

  • Simple Triggers**: Simple triggers are triggered by a specific event, such as when a user opens a document or when a form is submitted.
  • Installable Triggers**: Installable triggers are triggered by a specific event, but they also have additional features, such as the ability to execute a function as a specific user.

Creating a Simple Trigger

To create a simple trigger, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Google Apps Script editor.
  2. Click on the “Triggers” button in the left-hand menu.
  3. Click on the “Create trigger” button.
  4. Select the type of trigger you want to create (e.g., “On open”).
  5. Enter the name of the function you want to execute when the trigger is triggered.
  6. Save the trigger.

Storing Data into Users PropertiesService

Now that we have created a simple trigger, let’s talk about storing data into users PropertiesService.

Getting the PropertiesService

To store data into users PropertiesService, you need to get the PropertiesService object. You can do this using the following code:

var propertiesService = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();

Setting Properties

Once you have the PropertiesService object, you can set properties using the following code:

var properties = propertiesService.getProperties();
properties.setProperty("key", "value");

Getting Properties

To retrieve a property, you can use the following code:

var value = properties.getProperty("key");

Deleting Properties

To delete a property, you can use the following code:


Example Use Case

Let’s say we want to store a user’s favorite color in users PropertiesService. We can create a simple trigger that executes a function when the user opens a document, which stores the user’s favorite color in users PropertiesService.

function onOpen() {
  var propertiesService = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();
  var properties = propertiesService.getProperties();
  var favoriteColor = promptUserForFavoriteColor();
  properties.setProperty("favoriteColor", favoriteColor);

function promptUserForFavoriteColor() {
  var favoriteColor = prompt("What is your favorite color?");
  return favoriteColor;

Best Practices

Here are some best practices to keep in mind when using PropertiesService:

  • Use meaningful property names**: Use descriptive and meaningful property names to avoid confusion.
  • Use encryption**: Use encryption to protect sensitive data stored in PropertiesService.
  • Avoid storing large data sets**: Avoid storing large data sets in PropertiesService, as it can lead to performance issues.
  • Use caching**: Use caching to reduce the number of reads and writes to PropertiesService.

Common Issues

Here are some common issues you may encounter when using PropertiesService:

Issue Solution
Property not found Check if the property exists and if you have the correct property name.
Property not updated Check if you are using the correct PropertiesService object and if you have the correct property name.
Performance issues Check if you are storing large data sets and consider using caching or other optimization techniques.


In this comprehensive guide, we have covered how to create triggers and store data into users PropertiesService using Google Apps Script. By following the instructions and best practices outlined in this guide, you can automate data storage and retrieval using GAS.

Remember to use meaningful property names, encryption, and caching to optimize your PropertiesService usage. If you encounter any issues, refer to the common issues section for troubleshooting tips.

Happy scripting!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the lowdown on From Triggers to Storing data into users PropertiesService!

What are Triggers in Google Apps Script?

Triggers in Google Apps Script are a way to automatically run a script at a specific time or when a specific event occurs, such as when a form is submitted or when a sheet is edited. They can be set up to run at a fixed time, on a recurring schedule, or in response to a specific event.

How do I create a trigger in Google Apps Script?

To create a trigger in Google Apps Script, go to the Triggers tab in the left-hand menu, click on the “Create trigger” button, and then select the type of trigger you want to create. You can choose from a variety of options, such as “On form submit”, “On edit”, or “On open”. Then, set up the trigger settings, such as the script to run, the frequency, and the time zone.

What is the difference between PropertiesService and ScriptProperties?

PropertiesService and ScriptProperties are both used to store and retrieve data in Google Apps Script, but they serve different purposes. PropertiesService is used to store data that is specific to a user, such as user preferences or settings, while ScriptProperties is used to store data that is specific to a script, such as script settings or configuration.

How do I store data in the PropertiesService?

To store data in the PropertiesService, you need to use the `getUserProperties()` method, which returns a `Properties` object. You can then use the `setProperty()` method to set a property with a specific key and value. For example, `var props = PropertiesService.getUserProperties(); props.setProperty(‘numberOfVisits’, 5);`.

Can I retrieve data from the PropertiesService in a trigger function?

Yes, you can retrieve data from the PropertiesService in a trigger function. When a trigger is executed, the script runs under the authority of the user who created the trigger, so you can use the `getUserProperties()` method to retrieve the user’s properties. For example, `var props = PropertiesService.getUserProperties(); var numberOfVisits = props.getProperty(‘numberOfVisits’);`.