Resolving the OverflowError When Setting Up gym_super_mario_bros Environment in Python on JupyterLab
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Resolving the OverflowError When Setting Up gym_super_mario_bros Environment in Python on JupyterLab

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When working with the gym_super_mario_bros environment in Python on JupyterLab, you may encounter an OverflowError, which can be frustrating and halt your progress. In this article, we will explore the causes of this error and provide a step-by-step solution to resolve it, ensuring a smooth setup of the environment.

Understanding the Error

The OverflowError typically occurs when the Python interpreter encounters a numerical value that exceeds the maximum limit of the data type. In the context of the gym_super_mario_bros environment, this error can be triggered by the large state and action spaces of the Mario Bros. game.

Cause of the Error

The primary cause of the OverflowError is the default setting of the numpy data type, which is set to np.float64. This data type has a limited range, causing the error when dealing with large numerical values.

Solution to Resolve the OverflowError

To resolve the OverflowError, you need to modify the default numpy data type to np.float32, which has a larger range and can handle larger numerical values. Here’s a step-by-step guide to implement this solution:

  1. Open a new cell in your JupyterLab notebook and import the necessary libraries:

    import numpy as np

  2. Set the default numpy data type to np.float32:

    np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True)
    np.DEFAULT_TYPE = np.float32

  3. Now, import the gym_super_mario_bros environment and create an instance of the Mario Bros. game:

    import gym_super_mario_bros
    env = gym_super_mario_bros.make('SuperMarioBros-v0')

  4. Verify that the environment is set up correctly by resetting the environment and retrieving the initial state:

    state = env.reset()


After implementing the solution, you should be able to set up the gym_super_mario_bros environment without encountering the OverflowError. Verify this by running the following code:


This should display the initial state of the Mario Bros. game without any errors.


In this article, we have demonstrated a straightforward solution to resolve the OverflowError when setting up the gym_super_mario_bros environment in Python on JupyterLab. By modifying the default numpy data type to np.float32, you can ensure a smooth setup of the environment and progress with your project without any interruptions.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to rescue Mario from the clutches of OverflowError!

Q1: What is an OverflowError, and why does it occur when setting up gym_super_mario_bros environment in Python on JupyterLab?

An OverflowError occurs when Python tries to execute an operation that exceeds the maximum limit of its data type. In the case of gym_super_mario_bros, this error might arise due to the environment’s massive observation space, causing the Python interpreter to run out of memory. This error can be resolved by increasing the recursion limit or restarting the kernel.

Q2: How do I increase the recursion limit to avoid an OverflowError when setting up gym_super_mario_bros environment?

You can increase the recursion limit using the `sys` module in Python. Simply add the following code before setting up the environment: `import sys; sys.setrecursionlimit(1500)`. However, be cautious when increasing the recursion limit, as it may lead to a crash if the limit is set too high.

Q3: Can I use a different environment instead of gym_super_mario_bros to avoid OverflowError?

Yes, you can! Gym offers various environments, such as CartPole, Acrobot, or MountainCar, which might be less memory-intensive. However, if you’re specifically interested in working with the Super Mario Bros environment, try optimizing your code or using a more powerful machine to mitigate the OverflowError.

Q4: Is there a way to optimize my code to reduce the memory usage and avoid OverflowError?

Yes, optimizing your code can help reduce memory usage. Try to minimize the number of large arrays or data structures, use more efficient data types, and consider implementing memory-saving techniques like caching or lazy loading. You can also use Python’s built-in `memory_profiler` module to identify memory-intensive parts of your code.

Q5: What if I’ve tried all the above solutions and still encounter an OverflowError when setting up gym_super_mario_bros environment?

If none of the above solutions work, consider upgrading your Python version, reinstalling the gym library, or seeking help from the gym or JupyterLab communities. You can also try running your code on a more powerful machine or using a cloud-based service with increased memory allocation. As a last resort, you may need to revisit your project’s requirements and consider alternative approaches that don’t involve the gym_super_mario_bros environment.

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