Unlocking the Power of 16KB Page Size in Your Android App: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Gunnel - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of 16KB Page Size in Your Android App: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with memory issues in your Android app? Do you want to ensure a seamless user experience, even on low-end devices? Supporting 16KB page size in your Android app can be a game-changer. In this article, we’ll take you on a journey to optimize your app’s memory usage without relying on the Native Development Kit (NDK). Buckle up and get ready to dive into the world of efficient memory management!

Understanding the Importance of Page Size

Before we dive into the implementation, let’s understand why page size matters. In Android, the page size refers to the smallest unit of memory allocation. The default page size is 4KB, which can lead to memory fragmentation and wastage. By increasing the page size to 16KB, you can reduce memory fragmentation and improve performance. But, what does this mean for your app?

Benefits of 16KB Page Size

  • Faster App Launch Times: With larger page sizes, the operating system can allocate memory more efficiently, resulting in faster app launch times.
  • Improved Memory Management: By reducing memory fragmentation, you can minimize memory leaks and crashes, ensuring a more stable user experience.
  • Better Performance on Low-End Devices: Supporting 16KB page size can help your app run smoothly on low-end devices, expanding your app’s reach to a broader audience.

Preparing Your App for 16KB Page Size

Before we dive into the implementation, make sure your app meets the following requirements:

  • Target Android 8.0 (API level 26) or Higher: The 16KB page size feature is only available on Android 8.0 and above.
  • Use a Compatible Device: Ensure your test device supports 16KB page size. You can check this by running the command `getprop ro.config.kernel getPage_SIZE` in the Android Debug Bridge (ADB) shell.
  • Update Your App’s build.gradle File: Add the following line to your app’s `build.gradle` file to enable 16KB page size support: `android { … buildToolsVersion “29.0.2” … }`.

Implementing 16KB Page Size in Your App

Now that we’ve covered the prerequisites, let’s dive into the implementation details:

Step 1: Update Your App’s `AndroidManifest.xml` File


The `android:largeHeap` attribute enables large heap mode, which is required for 16KB page size support. The `android:vmSafeMode` attribute ensures that the app runs in safe mode, which helps prevent crashes and memory issues.

Step 2: Create a Custom `WebView` Class

To take advantage of 16KB page size, you’ll need to create a custom `WebView` class that overrides the `getMaximumSize()` method:

public class CustomWebView extends WebView {
    public int getMaximumSize() {
        return 16 * 1024; // 16KB page size

This custom `WebView` class will ensure that the `WebView` component uses the 16KB page size.

Step 3: Use the Custom `WebView` Class in Your App

Replace the standard `WebView` component with your custom `CustomWebView` class in your layout files and Java code:

    android:layout_height="match_parent" />

Troubleshooting Common Issues

During implementation, you might encounter some common issues. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered!

Issue 1: Unable to Load Large Web Pages

If you encounter issues loading large web pages, try increasing the `webViewSettings.setAppCacheMaxSize()` value:

webView.getSettings().setAppCacheMaxSize(1024 * 1024 * 50);

This will increase the app cache size to 50MB, allowing your app to load larger web pages.

Issue 2: Memory Leaks and Crashes

If you experience memory leaks or crashes, review your app’s memory management and ensure you’re not holding onto unnecessary references:

protected void onDestroy() {

Invoke the `destroy()` method on your `WebView` instance when the activity is destroyed to prevent memory leaks.


Supporting 16KB page size in your Android app is a crucial step towards optimizing memory usage and ensuring a seamless user experience. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can unlock the power of 16KB page size without relying on the NDK. Remember to test your app thoroughly and troubleshoot any issues that arise during implementation.

Page Size Memory Fragmentation App Performance
4KB (Default) High Poor
16KB Low Great

By choosing to support 16KB page size, you’re taking a significant step towards creating a more efficient, performance-driven app that will delight your users.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to dive into the world of Android app development and uncover the secrets of supporting 16kb page size without using NDK!

Q1: What’s the big deal about 16kb page size, and why do I need to support it in my Android app?

Supporting 16kb page size is essential because it’s the default memory page size for Android devices. If your app doesn’t support it, you might face memory-related issues, slow performance, or even crashes. By supporting 16kb page size, you ensure your app runs smoothly and efficiently on a wide range of devices.

Q2: Do I really need to use the NDK to support 16kb page size in my Android app?

No, you don’t necessarily need to use the NDK (Native Development Kit) to support 16kb page size. You can achieve this by using Java or Kotlin code in your Android app. However, if you’re working with native code or require low-level memory management, the NDK might be necessary.

Q3: How can I check if my Android app already supports 16kb page size?

You can use the `dalvik.vm.heapsize` property in your Android app’s `build.gradle` file to specify the heap size. Set it to a value that’s a multiple of 16kb (e.g., 1024KB) to ensure compatibility. Alternatively, you can use the `android:largeHeap` attribute in your app’s `AndroidManifest.xml` file.

Q4: Are there any performance implications if I don’t support 16kb page size in my Android app?

If your app doesn’t support 16kb page size, you might experience performance issues, such as slower execution, increased memory usage, or even crashes. By supporting 16kb page size, you can improve your app’s performance, reduce memory usage, and provide a better user experience.

Q5: Are there any tools or libraries available to help me support 16kb page size in my Android app?

Yes, there are several tools and libraries available to help you support 16kb page size. For example, you can use the Android Studio’s built-in memory profiling tools or third-party libraries like LeakCanary or Android Memory Profiler to identify and fix memory-related issues.

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